This day in the history Sakhalin Region and Kuriles, on October 17: there was an Olkhon fishing vessel ship-wreck

@MK.RU Sahalin
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"MK on Sakhalin Region" tells about significant events in the history Sakhalin Region and Kuriles which occurred on October 17. 1991 this day, on October 17, 1991, there was an Olkhon fishing vessel ship-wreck. The seiner "Olkhon" fishing Kolkhoz named after Lenina was wrecked, having got to a whole gale in the Pacific Ocean, in 37 miles from the island Shikotan. Ship-wreck carried away lives of the captain Mikhalev K. G. and thirteen crew members. Only two managed to escape: to the third assistant to the captain Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ivanov and to the third mechanic V. Strekhe. 1959 Also this day, on October 17, 1959, Stolyarova Helena was born...