Permafrost as resource: experience of the director Institutes merzlotovedeniye and practice of Scientific center of studying Arctic

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Photo: Kolotilin Andrian / Geo Photo the Useful experience Institutes the merzlotovedeniye which is correctly using laws of physics To Russian Federation, more than 60 which % of the territory occupies permafrost – the only Institute merzlotovedeniye which is on Merzlotnoy Street in Yakutsk – the capital of the republic, already 98 which % of the territory – eternal or as scientists – permafrost specify. The portal "Scientific Russia" talked about permafrost, its evolution and opportunities to the director IMZ HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Nikolaevich Zheleznyak. As Mikhail Nikolaevich Zheleznyak told...