"Osimkhen helped "Napoli" to win league, and now they sneer at it? My council – to keep balance, the best players" so arrive. The trainer Nigeria to Pezeyr about video in TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF)

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To Zhoze Vitor dush Santush Pezeyru condemned "Napoli" for a scandalous roller about Victor James Osimkhen in TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF). Let's remind, at the end of September in the account "Napoli" in TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF) video how Osimkhen asks judge Giovanni Ayroldi was published to appoint a penalty in gate of "Bologna" in the 5th round of a Series A. Judge pointed to a point, but the Nigerian did not realize a penalty kick, and game came to the end with the score 0:0. Soon after the roller publication Osimkhen removed from website "Instagram" almost all posts connected with "Napoli", and his agent Roberto Calendo declared the possible appeal to court. "It helped command to win league, and now they...