The ex-goalkeeper of the national team Israel offended in five languages Karim Mostafa Benzema, condemned bombings of Gaza

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The forward "Al-Ittikhada" Karim Mostafa Benzema scarified Israel for drawing aviation blows to the Gaza Strip. "We pray for the inhabitants of Gaza who again have become victims of these unfair bombings, not sparing neither women, nor children", – the Frenchman in social networks wrote. The ex-goalkeeper of the Israeli national team rigidly reacted to words Karim Mostafa Benzema Davide Auat. "You are the real son of a bitch! " – Avat answered the former forward of "Real", repostnuv its record. Thus the Israeli wrote an insult in five languages: Hebrew, French, English, Arab and Spanish. In the morning on October 7 Israel was attacked by the Islamic...
Political ideology:Islamism, Palestinian nationalism.