The ex-goalkeeper of the national team Duda Izrail Avat is indignant of words Karim Mostafa Benzema about Gaza

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On October 16, 2023, 01:41 — Public news service — OSN the Former goalkeeper of the national team Duda Izrail Avat expressed the indignation concerning statements of the forward "Al-Ittikhada" Karim Mostafa Benzema concerning Gaza. Karim Mostafa Benzema declared that prays for the inhabitants who have become victims "the unfair bombings which are not sparing neither women, nor children". In response to it Davide Auat published a post on social networks where called Karim Mostafa Benzema "the real son of a bitch" in five different languages: Hebrew, French, English, Arab and Spanish. Let's remind that the aggravation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict began on October 7...
Political ideology:Islamism, Palestinian nationalism.