The director of Governor's Svetlensky lyceum Saybedinov Alexander became the honorary member RAO

@MK.RU Tomsk
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Regionalnaya administration ". To the director of Governor's Svetlensky lyceum, the National teacher Russian Federation to Saybedinov Alexander is awarded a rank of the Honorary member RAO", - is spoken in the message. Saybedinov Alexander - the native of the village Eushta Tomskoe district, graduated from Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute. Since 1983 works in system of educations. Saybedinov Alexander - the author of training programs and methodical grants on art esthetically education. Ogaou "Gubernatorsky Svetlensky lyceum" was founded in September, 1995. Russian academy...
Saybedinov Alexander
Ogorodova Ludmila
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Main activity:Communication and IT
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Main activity:Science and education
Ogaou "Gubernatorsky Svetlensky lyceum"
Main activity:Science and education
Regionalnaya administration
Government Agency