Fighters from seven regions reached the final of the All-Russian tournament in Yakutsk

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The finals will begin from 17 o'clock in sport center "Triumph" all finalists of the All-Russian tournament Were determined by free-style wrestling of memory of Alexander Krylov passing in Yakutsk. Fight for gold medals will be entered by representatives of seven regions of the country, reports YaSIA. In the easiest weight to 57 kg twin brothers Alexey and Pyotr Kopylovy once again will enter fight, they will challenge a gold medal. In category to 61 kg the rival of the resident of Yakutsk Avelova Alexandra becomes the representative Irkutsk Mongush Kezhik. To 65 kg Dyuluskhan Totonov from Sakha (Yakutia) Republic will battle to the Krasnoyarsk citizen Mongush Kezhik Mongushom. And in weight to 70 kg...
Nikita Aleksandrovich Suchkov
Last position: The professional athlete on free-style wrestling (REGIONAL STATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION "RTSSP "ACADEMY BORBY NAMED AFTER D. G. MINDIASHVILI")
Avelova Alexandra
Mongush Kezhik
Sorokin Andrey
Kazyryk Sayyn