Who got being "Favourite drugstores" bankrupt distributor "Farmin"

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As found out Office Life, the most part of drugstores which were under management companies affiliated by "Farmin" "Not Ska" and "Fitobel" (according to the Trade register behind them 64 operating drugstores now appear), were renamed and joined the Alfaapteka network. Earlier under this brand in the Belarusian pharmaceutical retail Sopharma AD and her Latvian partners worked the Bulgarian company. In 2021-2022 of Sopharma AD at first redeemed a share from them, and then resold pharmaceutical business the Latvian companies to BAH. But BAH still have beneficiary from Bulgaria. Smaller part "Favourite drugstores", operating in...
Tomchin Leonid
Yasnovsky Innokenty
Sopharma AD