Israel scarified a nuclear submarine and FA, baseball and a flag soccer will be at the Olympic Games, three national teams came to Euro, the run-away player of "Miner" and other news
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1 . The football authorities Israel are revolted with lack of due support from British: the Israeli league scarified a nuclear submarine for unwillingness to condemn attack Hamas, and chapter Futbolnaya federatsiya FA accused of cowardice for refusal to illuminate "Wembley" in colors of a flag Israel. For the same reason in protest FA were left by the rabbi. Tal Khaim Ben too rigidly condemned English soccer though its former Football club "Chelsi" supported the Jewish people and opposed "a growing wave of anti-Semitism". In support of Palestine Mesut Ozil, and also the Irish fans who have stretched flags and a banner with words "Freedom to people" acted on...