The deputy of Regional Duma of Moscow helped to correct a situation with availability of buses to residents of Krasnogorsk with limited opportunities of health

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The deputy of Regional Duma of Moscow Roman Aleksandrovich Volodin together with administration of the district understood a situation about which inhabitants reported Krasnogorsk. As it became clear, drivers of buses ignored landing at stops, without allowing in transport visually impaired people with a seeing eye dog. The people's deputy together with the deputy head of municipality Zelenev Daniil and representatives of managements transports met the member Krasnogorsk Istrinskoy of the local organization All-russian non-governmental organization of disabled people "Vserossiyskoye ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni association slepykh" Trofimova Irina who personally came up against a similar situation in the Krasnogorsk minibus. It was carried out...