Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bely called causes of failure to be at war for Israel

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Moved from Russian Federation the actor and cinema Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bely told theaters about why will not go to be at war for Israel in which there lives the second year. About it reports information portal "Gazeta.Ru". The actor told that does not get to category of reservists of army Israel as did not serve in the country and lives in the state less than five years, and also noted that does not exclude that would go to the front. The actor added that lives in Netanya which is located practically in the center Israel, and therefore rockets do not reach the settlement. By recognition Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bely, he heard an air-raid warning only once...
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bely
Main activity:Show business personality
Geodakyan Artem
Political ideology:Islamism, Palestinian nationalism.