The regional court released the resident of Rostov Govorova Svetlana from Psychiatric hospital after scandal

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The decision District court of the Yegorlykskaya district of the Rostov region was cancelled by Regional court of Rostov. The resident of Rostov Govorova Svetlana let out from Psychiatric hospital. About it reported RostovGazeta the human rights activist Pavel Sagayda. Let's remind that the resident of Rostov Govorova Svetlana because of quarrel with the husband prinuditelnouderzhivali and was "treated" in Psychiatric hospital by Yegorlykskaya district. Today according to the court decision it released. The human rights activist tells that also, Regional court of Rostov took out two private definitions. "One of them concerning judges District court of the Yegorlykskaya district of the Rostov region which made an illegal decision. There are all prerequisites for excitement criminal...