The Moscow unique scanner will digitize in Kursk museum ancient artifacts

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The Kursk Regional museum of local lore got a complex of planetary scanning of the Russian productions. The unit is supposed to involve more than 240 thousand documents, including ancient and rare editions for digitization. The minister of Moscow Government, the head of Department of investment and industrial policy of the capital Wladyslaw Ovchinsky. The complex was developed by the Moscow technological Institution "ELAR". It is a question of the whole line of planetary scanners. They give the chance to transfer beskontaktno to figure technical documentation, drawings, archival materials, and...
Wladyslaw Ovchinsky
Last position: Head (Department of Science and Industrial Policy of the city of Moscow)
Artem Vartanyan
Last position: Executive director (LLC "NSK")
Bagandov Mourad
Regional museum of local lore
Institution "ELAR"