The actor from series "Real Boys" told about youth in the Urals

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Tikhomirov Yakov acted in a final season of series "Real Boys" which in 13 years on the screen received the status cult and national, became favourite millions. The actor told Ural Meridian news agency about youth in the Urals. Tikhomirov Yakov was born in the village Ust-Bolsheretsk on Kamchatka Territory. When he was 5 years old his family returned to Revda where he lived before receipt in institute. Tikhomirov Yakov remembers Revda with heat, exactly here he began the career and the first performances on a scene. After schools Tikhomirov Yakov arrived in the Ekaterinburg state theatrical institute (Ekaterinburg state theatre Institute). And lived in a hostel about Greenwich...
Timur Alpatov
Last position: Director, screenwriter, operator
Tikhomirov Yakov
Valer Yakov