Zyuzin is approved as the head coach combined Russian Federation on rowing

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Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation approved Zyuzina Alexander on a post of the head coach combined Russian Federation on rowing. The president of LLC "FGSR" Aleksey Svirin. The head of FSGR noted that the order on appointment of the 47-year-old expert to this position the minister of sports signed Russian Federation Oleg Matytsin, transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS". The honored trainer Russian Federation Zyuzin was the acting as the mentor of a national team since October, 2022, having replaced on this post Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kovalev. Subscribe for the MK-Sport channel LLC "MK-Sport" in Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) and receive the first news, articles and photo galleries about sports and...