Start dates of a heating season in Azerbaijan] became know

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BAKU/Trend/– the Heating season to Baku this year also is planned to begin since November 15. The press secretary of JSC Azəristiliktəchizat of Elvin Basgalla reported about that in chetvergTrend. According to him, counter installation in system heatings is planned only for uninhabited objetov. Now in this direction urgent measures are taken. Since November 1 the number of regions of the country where the heating season will begin, will be increased to 14 (Dashkasan, Gyadabey, Khachmaz, Kyalbadzhar, Qabala, the Lip, the Hussar, Lachin, Lerik, Shamakhy, Siyazan, Shabran, Shusha, Yardımlı). E.Basgalla noted that the decision is made taking into account...