In Ministry for business and tourism development Sakha (Yakutia) Republic the position of the deputy minister] was release

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9:00 - 12.10.2023 Chapter Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Aysen Nikolaev dismissed the deputy minister of business, trades and tourism Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Prokopyev Maxime. Due to the transition to other work, it is spoken in the decree. Prokopyev Maxime occupied this position since 2018. The deputy minister supervises trade questions , public catering, state controls in the field of retail sales alcohol. Prokopyev Maxime came to this position from a post of the deputy head ulus Suntarsky . This eighth personnel decision when forming new structure of Government of the Sakha Republic and the only thing which is given the explanation. In other cases decree...
Aysen Nikolaev
Last position: Head (Glava of the Sakha Republic)
Pavel Pavlovich Kylatchanov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing Sakha Republic)
Helena Kalashnikova
Last position: Acting as chairman (GOSKOMITET ZANYATOSTI SAKHA REPUBLIC)
Andrey Tarasenko
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Sakha Republic)
Mikhail Nikiforov
Last position: Acting as vice-chairman (Government of the Sakha Republic)