"Satyricon" will play an anniversary premiere "A house presentiment. Scenes" in birthday theaters and Raykin Arkady

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To the 85th anniversary birthday Theater "Satirikon" the name Arka-diya Raykin Arkady and the founder theaters Raykin Arkady theater lets out a special premiere. At theater call performance by attempt to comprehend and artly to refract a situation with prolonged building of buildings "Satyricon" which proceeds since 2015 when theater left the house...
Konstantin Raykin
Main activity:Official
Sergei Mikhaylovich Zarubin
Last position: Actor (Theater "Satirikon")
Arsene Khandzhyan
Last position: The professional athlete on judo
Denise Sukhanov
Last position: Actor (Theater "Satirikon")
Maria Zolotukhina
Main activity:Official