The leading soloist the Mari academic theaters the opera and the ballet of E. Sapayev Semkin Dimitri Nikolaevich: "I am generally positive, but is far from ideal …"

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In the biography of the national actor Chuvash Republic, the leading soloist at once two opera theaters, the Mari and Chuvash, Semkin Dimitri Nikolaevich was many unexpected turns. Whether it is possible to subdue an opera scene when you "have some for thirty", you are a teacher of physics at university and even the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences? It is possible! History of my today's hero – bright to that confirmation. A lot of things in his life were almost fantastic... The photo is provided by Semkin Dimitri Nikolaevich. Imaginations on the opera Semkin Dimitri Nikolaevich was born in Cheboksary. His family of direct attitude toward art had no though the grandfather loved...