The Yaroslavl university opened the methodical center in Africa

@MK.RU Jaroslavl'
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In Abidjan, Kot's largest city - d-Ivuara, the official Russian methodical center for Russian teaching opened. The center of open educations in Russian and training in Russian is opened by teachers and representatives of YAROSLAVL STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER K. D. USHINSKOGO, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YAROSLAVSKY STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER K. D. USHINSKOGO", YAGPU NAMED AFTER K. D. USHINSKOGO according to earlier made arrangement between the Yaroslavl pedagogical higher education institution and universities the African countries. Three African partner universities participate in the partner program: Methodist university, university ETIK, university Ufue-Buanyi Felix Abidjan. In a ceremonial opening of a point of the Russian educations accepted...