What to us to wait of the fourth quarter?

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The printing house left No. 10 website "Metallosnabzhenie i sbyt" for the current year. As well as always, readers can learn from new number a lot of interesting and useful about the steel industry of the country and the world – recent trends, processes and contradictions. Opens printovy release the editorial about end "high season" 2023. About new opportunities of a forum of metallurgists which will take place in Moscow on Krasnaya Presnya on November 7-10, tells the report on meeting of the Organizing committee of an exhibition International industrial Metall-Expo exhibition. About in what the Russian metallurgical companies are engaged in development, it is possible to read in the review...
Natalia Vasilenko
Last position: Deputy managing director for sales (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AMR")
Troyanovsky Kirill
Muzalevsky Aleksey
Bogoslavsky Grigory