Five actors who replaced a profession after a great luck at cinema] are calle

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Having played the star role the cinema, many actors decided to replace a profession. Problems in a film career or other reasons forced Boris Bystrov and four more actors to go on other course of life. Boris Bystrov in 21 years played Aladdin in "Aladdin's magic lamp" (67 g). Directors any more did not call the young actor for leading roles. Having played some bit parts cinema, he went to other profession and became the dubbing director. Voice Boris Bystrov heroes "Simpsonov", "Sherlock" and other known projects speak. Audience remembers a role of the nobleman in Zakharov's movie "A love formula". It was played by the actor...
Boris Bystrov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Alexander Mikhaylov
Last position: Actor
Fedor Leonidovich Dunaevsky
Last position: Actor
Krasavin Igor
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