The holiday devoted to the 177th anniversary of the basis of page. Treasured, to the 97th anniversary of educations Zavetnoe district and to Day of the worker of agriculture, "With love to people and the earth! "

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On October 7 in our village the big holiday devoted to the 177th anniversary of the basis of page was spent. Treasured, to the 97th anniversary of educations Zavetnoe district and to Day of the worker of agriculture, "With love to people and the earth! " Weather presented to peasants clear and warm day. Since the morning music sounded, creating festive mood. At 9 o'clock on a market square fair of agricultural production opened. The come villagers with pleasure took part in tasting of different dishes - shulyum, fish soup, shish kebabs, with a great interest considered modern agricultural machinery, which...
Youri Velichko
Last position: Head of administration of the area (Administration of the Zavetnoye district of the Rostov region)
Kovalev B. Yu.
Bondarenko S. I.
Kovalev N. A.
Department Rural economy and environmental protections