JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RTKOMM. RU" and Rubetek will be engaged in production the domestic satellite equipment

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Soderzhaniyenapravleniya activity History 2023: The agreement with Rubetek and "JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "CORPORATION "SMALL FAMILY ENTERPRISE"" about production the domestic satellite equipment 2020: The cooperation agreement with JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "CC "GONETS" on studying of opportunities of use of resources of various systems of satellite communication 2019: JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RTKOMM. RU" came out on top on number of VSAT stations (27,3 thousand) 2015: JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RTKOMM. RU" plans to provide farms with the satellite Internet in any point of Russian Federation 2012 Participation in the translation organization in Internet Election of the president of the Russian Federation Purchase companies to "KM of media" 2008 2003 2000...