On October 6 in Omsk the VII International scientific and technical conference "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communication" devoted to 65-year anniversary JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ONIIP"] finished the wor

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As organizers of conference traditionally acted JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ONIIP", Omsk scientific center of HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY and Institute radiophysics and physical electronics of ONTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY with support of Government of the Omsk region and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NIIAA". Opened REIS-2023 plenary session at which made a speech the chairman of the international program committee of conference, director general JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ONIIP" Vladimir Aleksandrovich Berezovsky, the vice-chairman of Government of the Omsk region, the minister of educations Omsk Region Ivan Krott, the deputy minister of the industry and scientific and technical developments Omsk Region Bary Khairov...