News Commonwealth of Independent States - the Secretary general Commonwealth of Independent States Lebedev Sergei met the Chairman of the board of heads of the state and public teleradio organizations of the states Commonwealth of Independent States Petr Fedorov

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On October 9, 2023 in Moscow in office of Executive committee Commonwealths of Independent States there took place a meeting of the Secretary general Commonwealth of Independent States Lebedev Sergei with the Chairman of the board of heads of the state and public teleradio organizations of the states – participants Commonwealth of Independent States, the director of Management of the international relations VGTRK Petr Fedorov. The parties discussed work of Council of heads of the state and public teleradio organizations of the states – participants Commonwealth of Independent States, questions of publicizing of the forthcoming meetings of the supreme bodies of the Commonwealth, Council participation in...
Pyotr Fyodorov
Last position: Journalist-foreign affairs specialist, TV host
Lebedev Sergei
Orlova Catherina
Matyash Alexander
Malinina Svetlana