The American professor Goldin became the winner Nobel Prize on economy

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The American professor Claudia Goldin got Nobel Prize on economy, about the winner of this year reported in the press service of the Swedish academy in Stockholm. Itself Golden teaches at Harward university, she received an award for research of position of women on a labor market. Let's note that in 2022 an award handed over for research of vulnerability of banks and financial institutions during the periods of crisis to Ben Shalom Bernanke, to Daymond Douglas and to Filip Dibvi. Earlier the winner Nobel Prize the world became the Iranian human rights activist Mokhammadi Nargiz. In more detail about it in ours material...
Ben Shalom Bernanke
Last position: The adviser in Citadel and Pimco finance companies
Daymond Douglas
Mokhammadi Nargiz
Harvard university
Main activity:Science and education
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
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