"It simply capture of the power": Left a pre-trial detention center chapter Shlisselburg with company musclemen besieged administration

@Forpost Severo-Zapad
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Kirovsky district Leningrad Region the police officer was necessary to understand affairs of officials and mundepov. In the morning on Monday, October 9, the group of unknown men of a sports constitution rushed into administration Shlisselburg with recently left a pre-trial detention center chapter Zheludov Artem Aleksandrovich. They barricaded in building, having hung up on doors of a chain and new locks, the acting as chapter of City administration reported to "Outpost" Chkhetiya's Spartak. "On an entrance of a chain are hung up, thick, huge chains. The lock on these chains. COUNCIL OF DEPUTIES at eight o'clock in the morning had to be. Let nobody from deputies, the head too not...