Real facts: Ale and Hannah Dakota Fenning sprodyusiruyut biographic series about Peris Uitni Khilton

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Memoirs Peris Uitni Khilton will be cornerstone of a TV series in which A24 Films LLC will be engaged. About it on Thursday reported the Deadline edition, and the representative of studio confirmed this information to the edition of BuzzFeed. Though many details about series remain in secret, Hannah Dakota Fenning and Marie el Fenning (through the producer company as Lewellen Pictures) act as executive producers of this project. Peris Uitni Khilton, through the company 11:11 Media, will work together with them. In March Peris Uitni Khilton Paris published the memoirs under the name ": The Memoir". As reports information agency "Associated Press", among subjects upon which Peris Uitni Khilton touches in...
Pamela Deniz Anderson
Last position: Actress, model
Hannah Dakota Fenning
Last position: Actress, model
Marie el Fenning
Last position: Actress
Kharding Antonina
Main activity:Culture and sports