The movie "Bitter Honey" of Makarova Julia from Saint Petersburg is recognized as the best debut at a festival of documentary cinema "Russia"

@Peterburgskij dnevnik
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These prestigious competitions the picture "Seven Days of Fall" of the director got the Grand Prix Golovkov Aleksey the Movie "Bitter Honey" of Makarova Julia from Saint Petersburg is recognized as the best debut at the XXXIV Open festival of documentary cinema "Russia" which took place in Yekaterinburg. These prestigious competitions the picture "Seven Days of Fall" of the director got the Grand Prix Golovkov Aleksey from Moscow. The prize for the best feature film as reports information agency "ITAR-TASS", was received by the movie "Keeper" of the director Dimitri Zavilgelsky. The best short film this year recognized a picture of the director Skabard Tatyana "Obukhovich Nicholas...
Dimitri Zavilgelsky
Last position: Director
Makarova Julia
Golovkov Aleksey
Skabard Tatyana
Obukhovich Nicholas