MODERN BRITISH FAIRY TALE. TV channel "Pervy kanal" presents the movie about the leader of Blur and Gorillaz groups Damon Albarn

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The documentary film about the leader of Blur and Gorillaz groups "Damon Albarn. The modern British fairy tale" will present for the first time on the Russian television on Friday, October 6, TV channel "Pervy kanal". The project of the French journalists is a thin portrait of the vocalist of the London group Blur, the successor of Kinks, the founder of the first virtual group Gorillaz. Online air of TV channel "Pervy kanal" it is free and in high quality it is available here. The documentary film tells about the musician Damon Albarn – the founder of a new genre Britpop, had enormous impact on the British music. Audience will be able to observe...