Wladyslaw Aleksandrovich Tretyak, and Vyacheslav Ivanovich Koloskov awarded Shamil Tarpishchev sports

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Moscow, 5 Oct – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Sulizova Alena. The minister of sports Russian Federation Oleg Matytsin handed over the medals devoted to the 100 anniversary of educations of government body of managements in the sphere of physical culture and sport, to honored workers of branch. Rewarding took place on Thursday in building Minsport. Among awarded the member of a hall of glory International federation of basketball Gomelsky Eugenie, the honourable president of LLC "OKR", Olympic committee Russia, ROC Smirnov Vitaly, the president of Federation of hockey Russian Federation Wladyslaw Aleksandrovich Tretyak, the president of TENNIS FEDERATION RUSSIA; CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT FUND Shamil Tarpishchev, the honourable president of the Russian football...