Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name will show the movie at movie theaters four cities

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A full-length tape Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name "In search of harmony" (the director and the screenwriter Uvarov Sergei, producers — Alexander Sokolov, Marina Karasev) will be shown within the International film festival KARO.ART in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar. "In search of harmony" — experimental musical and documentary cinema about modern composers of generation millenialov. In the movie works Popov Nicholas, Khubeeva Alexander, Sudzilovsky Jaroslaw and Pisarevsky Denise, including created specially for this project sound. "After the movie everyone will find, about what...
Alexander Sokolov
Last position: Acting as rector (Moscow city State conservatory named after P. I. Chaykovskogo)
Marina Karasyova
Last position: Teacher of Department of the theory of music (Moscow city State conservatory named after P. I. Chaykovskogo)
Uvarov Sergei
Popov Nicholas
Khubeeva Alexander