On October 2 the vice-president of Federal chamber of lawyers of Russian Federation", the president of AP Leningrad Region Denise Laktionov visited Sosnovy Bor where met lawyers

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Kaksoobshchayetsya on a site of AP Leningrad Region (further – APLO), it already its fourth business trip on area since the beginning of year. The vice-president of chamber Ruslan Kurshabovich Aydamirov accompanied the president of APLO. During a meeting with lawyers first of all the questions connected with introduction Complex information systems of legal profession Russian Federation (further – the ARE TURNED SOUR) were discussed. It was noted that since September 4 of the demand to destination in Pine to Bohr are distributed only by means of this system, thus, according to data of PUSSYCATS ARE, for incomplete month of work from officials of Pine Bohr 21 assignments arrived...