told about life left Russian Federation Jeanne Agalakova after leaving with TV

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On October 4, 2023, 15:32 — Public news service — OSN the Leader Jeanne Agalakova made the decision to leave Russian Federation in February 2022. After 16 years' career on TV channel "Pervy kanal" it left from television and moved to France. The portal of told, about that that there were in life Jeanne Agalakova after these events. the ex-leader moved to France. The man by profession was a physicist, but then became the operator of TV channel "Pervy kanal" which spouses left together. "We with it both unemployed now. And so long cannot proceed. I have to work and...
Jeanne Agalakova
Main activity:Journalist
Yvan Urgant
Main activity:Journalist
Vladimir Pozner
Last position: Host of the author's Posner program (JSC Channel One Russia)