"With pain I look at myself! ": Zhelyaznyak about a share of the jobless husband, a mortgage and the afflicted act of the son

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Olesya Zheleznyak assures that her life is far from the glamourous. "To pay a mortgage for the apartment, I work hard – I act in at film, I play on stage, – the actress admits. – The apartment at us four-room, but without paste, columns and incrustations. There I carry out big part of time in kitchen – I prepare for a big family. Because we have no servants". The spouse of the actress – too the actor. Sumchenko's Spartak Sumchenko served in RAMTE, played in Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova, In 2010 arrived in a magistracy of RGGU ROSSIYSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF HUMANITIES, studied philosophy and anthropology, having studied year, threw. Then entered the Literary institute of Gorky on...
Felix Todorovich Grozdanov
Last position: Journalist
Olesya Zheleznyak
Last position: Actress, TV host
Spartak Sumchenko
Last position: Actor