The vital issues of residents of Krasnodar were considered by deputies Krasnodar City Council on a weekly planning meeting

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Deputies Krasnodar City Council on a weekly planning meeting discussed repairs housing for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the maintenance of roads in the regional center during the autumn and winter period. This meeting which was held by the chairman Krasnodar City Council Vera Galushko, despite seeming narrowness of the agenda (only two questions) is essential for inhabitants the capital Kuban. Help to veterans and the people equated to them, always was in a priority, and the maintenance of roads concerns each resident of Krasnodar, as from overall performance of municipal services during the periods of plentiful snowfalls directly in the winter...
Vera Galushko
Last position: Deputy, Chairman (Krasnodar City Council)
Ludmila Golovchenko
Last position: CEO (LLC "GUK-Krasnodar")
Dimitri Oberemchenko
Last position: Deputy (Krasnodar City Council)
Natalia Alsheva
Last position: Deputy, chairman of committee on questions of economy, trade, agriculture, business, investment policy and informatization (Krasnodar City Council)