Injured in the matter of the founder 3 years for a false denunciation] gave "The ombudsman of police\

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Injured in the matter of the founder "The ombudsman of police" 3 years for a false denunciation gave Tver district court of Moscow sentenced Andina Irina who passed the victim in the matter of the founder of the Ombudsman of Police project Vladimir Vorontsov, by three years of a colony. Her accomplices — Moiseeva Eugenia and Fedorova Vasilii — sentenced to four years of a colony. All three are found guilty of obviously false denunciation with artificial creation of charges (h. 3 Art. 306 of the criminal code of Russian Federation). They will serve sentence in a standard regime penal colony, the press service of vessels reported information agency "ITAR-TASS". Andina Irina passed on business of "The ombudsman of police" in...