United States of America were brought by slate oil

@Telekanal Tsar'grad
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United States of America, having own resources for production and oil refining, cannot provide completely itself with oil products. Slate oil brings. The director of the center of studying of the world energy markets declared INEI RAN Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Kulagin. That to United States of America there are problems with oil products, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Kulagin told after the notice of rise in prices for gasoline and diesel fuel to United States of America owing to restrictions in oil export from outside Russian Federation and Saudi Arabia. Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Kulagin pays attention that restrictions on production and deliveries oil made influence on...
Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Kulagin
Last position: Director of the Center of studying of the world energy markets (INEI RAN)
Main activity:Science and education