Chapter Belgorod Region reacted to departure of the ex-prime minister of the USSR Nicholas Ivanovich Ryzhkov
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The former prime minister of the USSR, the oldest senator Nicholas Ivanovich Ryzhkov defended nearly 30 years interests of inhabitants Belgorod Region in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and then and in Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. For these years it made a lot of things for the benefit of the Russian region. So the governor Vyacheslav Gladkov in the Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel. "The strong thread connecting our region and this outstanding, legendary person, it is sure, will not tear never" — wrote chapter Belgorod Region. By words Vyacheslav Gladkov, Nicholas Ivanovich Ryzhkov made a huge contribution to development the state military and historical memorial estate "Prohorov's Field". For...