The champion of NBA discharged after charges of attack on the girl

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A star "Basketball club "Khyuston Rokets"" Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy will not take part in training camp of team before a new season. The basketball player accuse of attack on the girl — the ex-basketball player to Kaizu Gondrezik Foto: Elsa / Getty Images NBA Club "Basketball club "Khyuston Rokets"" discharged one of the leaders, the American defender Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy after charges of attack on the woman. About etomrasskazal the general manager of the team Stone Raphael who quotes sport TV channel "ESPN". "The charges brought against it cause deep alarm. As soon as I heard about them, I told it at once to representatives that it cannot be...
Lebron Reymon James
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (Basketball club "Los-Andzheles Leykers")
Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball
Stone Raphael