The public council at Administration office of ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on Primorsky territory took part in the festive actions devoted to Day of creation OMON

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On October 3 to Russian Federation Day of the groups mobile of special function (GMSF) is celebrated. The history of special forces originates since 1988 when in a number of the republics of the USSR the first groups were created. In Primorsky Territory in honor of the 35th anniversary from the date of creation OMON a series of festive actions is organized. on base OMON "East" of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE FEDERAL SERVICE OF ARMIES OF NATIONAL GUARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON OF THE PRIMORSKY TERRITORY passed the Open Day in Vladivostok Magomed Labazanov and Sviridov Aleksey, veterans, members of families came to congratulate the staff of special forces...