Nobel Prize on medicine handed over for vaccines from "Koronavirus"

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Winners Nobel Prize on physiology and medicine of 2023 became Katalin Carico and Vaysman Dryu for researches which were cornerstone of development Koronavirus Koronavirus. The press service reported Nobel committee. Pfizer, Inc" and Moderna, Inc, in particular. Kariko and Vaysman Dryu found opportunity to avoid the inflammatory reactions arising at their use. It had decisive impact on creation of a platform of the preparation suitable for clinical use in a pandemic Koronavirus. In 2006 and 2013 of Kariko and...
Svante Paabo
Last position: Director of the department of genetics (MPI-EVA)
Vaysman Dryu
Bergstrem Suna
BioNTech SE
Main activity:Health care and social services
Pfizer, Inc
Pennsylvanian university
Main activity:Science and education