The actor who has played in the movie "Silence" Konyaev Vitaly died. Cause of death

@Telekanal Tsar'grad
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He endured the wife for only two months. On the 87th year of life the national actor Russian Federation Konyaev Vitaly died. It did not become on September 30. About it reported in the press service Small theaters. That became a cause of death, is not specified. About time and a farewell place at theater promised to report in addition. Konyaev Vitaly was born on May 11, 1937 in Krondshtat. It graduated from the Highest theatrical school M. S. Shchepkin's name. After study arrived in the State academic Small theater where worked all life. On a scene theaters Konyaev Vitaly played more than one hundred roles: Akinfiyev ("Port Arthur" Popova I., And...