Мэр назначил новое Правительство Москвы

@Sever Stolitsy
Сергей Собянин подписал указ о назначении правительства столицы после своего переизбрания мэром. Его заместители сохранили свои посты: Анастасия Ракова — заместитель мэра Москвы по вопросам...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Capital North» , more details in our Terms of Service
Sergey Sobyanin
Last position: Mayor (Moscow Government)
Maksim Liksutov
Last position: Head (Department of Transport and Development of Road and Transport Infrastructure of the city of Moscow)
Petr Biryukov
Last position: Deputy Mayor for Housing, Utilities and Amenities (Moscow Government)
Anastasia Rakov
Last position: Deputy Mayor for Social Development (Moscow Government)
Andrey Bochkarev
Last position: Deputy Mayor for Urban Development and Construction (Moscow Government)