On October 2 in the history: that happened this day

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Armies Grozny Yvan in 1552 took Kazan. So to Russian Federation the Kazan khanate was attached. In 1879 the Russian mechanic self-educated person Blinov Fedor took out the patent on "the car with infinite rails". The invention became a tractor prototype on caterpillar to a course. This day, but 1987, on the First program of the Central television there was in air a Look program business newspaper "Vzglyad". And in 2002 to Japan in sale the first-ever robot collector arrived. On October 2 were born the researcher of religious practices and ceremonies Bernett Edouard Taylor (1832); one of heads and ideologist of the national liberation...
Eugenie Sidikhin
Last position: Actor
Grozny Yvan
Blinov Fedor
Bernett Edouard
Korotin Vyacheslav
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
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