Public men declared that to the healthy resident of Rostov violently gave an injection in Psychiatric hospital

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against her will Yegorlykskaya district support the resident of Rostov Govorova Svetlana. At it selected a means of communication and made the decision on compulsory treatment. Yesterday by it made the first injection, reported RostovGazeta the human rights activist Pavel Sagayda. Let's remind that the resident of Rostov Govorova Svetlana was prinuditelnopomeshchena in Psychiatric hospital after quarrel with the husband. The human rights activist tells that District court of the Yegorlykskaya district of the Rostov region defined its contents in a hospital of nonexistent medical institution — Egorlyksky branch State Budgetary Institution RO "Psychiatric hospital". "But this branch, as legal person...
Govorova Svetlana
Main activity:Science and education
Psychiatric hospital