PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "T PLUS" landed fifty pines-krupnomerov in Lysva

@MK.RU Perm'
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Lysvensky thermal networks of the Perm branch PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "T PLUS" planted pines-krupnomery in Lysva. 50 trees appeared near the city embankment in the central part of municipality. Lysvensky school students, representatives of administration Lysva and the management of Lysvensky thermal networks of the Perm branch PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "T PLUS". 50 pines-krupnomerov are planted in Lysva within an interregional ecological action of companies "Trees – to the cities PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "T PLUS". Krupnomera – adult trees with the developed krone, having height from 3 m to 15 m. Them grow up in nursery, then in a special way...