In Tyva Republic there began work the 76th office of VRNS

@Telekanal Tsar'grad
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VRNS once again proved that unites all regions of the country and people of any origin. Uniform in the main thing - love to our general Fatherland and desire cathedrally to work for the sake of revival of its historical greatness. The founder of Tsargrad, the deputy of chapter VRNS Malofeev Konstantin on social networks: The Tuva earth after others became part of the Russian State. It is worth reminding that the capital of Tyva Republic, Kyzyl, was founded as Belotsarsk. Meaning that in 1914...
Youri Ananyin
Last position: Head (Administration of the Head of the Republic of Tyva and Central office of the Government of the Republic of Tyva)
Malofeev Konstantin
Buyan Mongush
Koreysky Feofan
Administration Heads of Republic
Government Agency