Council for the priority direction of 20 "B" of scientific and technological developments Russian Federation supported the initiative of expansion KNTP "Pure Coal — Green Kemerovo Region" of the Scientific and educational center independant information agency "Kuzbass"

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On September 28 in Moscow meeting of Council for the priority direction of 20 "B" of scientific and technological developments Russian Federation under the chairmanship of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director INEI RAN Sergei Petrovich Filippov took place. During a working meeting the director of INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER "KUZBASS" Ganieva Irina submitted the report devoted to the comprehensive scientific and technical program "Pure Coal — Green Kemerovo Region" and its expansion with new actions. In details representatives of the Kuzbass NOTs <6> participating organizations also told about offered projects : rector of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "KEMEROVSKY STATE UNIVERSITY"KEMGU KEMEROVO STATE UNIVERSITY...